Megan Fox is NOT Catwoman

The script hasn't been written, casting hasn't begun and if the story exists at all it's in Christopher Nolan's mind. But none of that stops the rumor mill. The latest, as I'm sure you've heard is that Megan Fox has been cast as Catwoman in the Batman 3. It just simply isn't true and Megan's 'people' have come out an confirmed that Megan Fox loves the Batman films and Christopher Nolan but hasn't been contacted at all.
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Phew! Could you imagine? As hot as she is, I can't possibly see her holding her own with Christian Bale and in the Nolan Batman world. She just doesn't have the acting chops to pull it off in my opinion. Christopher Nolan is a great director but I'm not sure he could even pull a good performance out of her.
Let's hope that we'll get some good casting news sooner than later and that all these goofy rumors stop.
Read more here:,,20300540,00.html
Phew! Could you imagine? As hot as she is, I can't possibly see her holding her own with Christian Bale and in the Nolan Batman world. She just doesn't have the acting chops to pull it off in my opinion. Christopher Nolan is a great director but I'm not sure he could even pull a good performance out of her.
Let's hope that we'll get some good casting news sooner than later and that all these goofy rumors stop.