Baby it's cold outside. And I want to be warm and cozy inside. That's where my latest creations comes in.

If you can't get past the fact that it looks a bit Flinstone-ish, it really is a warm and cozy knit top. Perfect to don while in the sewing studio during these cold winter months. After all, my sewing studio happens to be the second coldest room in our entire house. Just my luck, right? At least it's not the coldest. That would be the workout room. Trust me, it's hard to get motivated to work out when you know the room you're about to enter is uncomfortably cold.
Anyway, back to this top. I hadn't even noticed this pattern until two days ago. That's when I braved the crowds to visit my local JoAnn's to purchase a pattern. I was specifically looking for Vogue 8634. In case you're not familiar with it, that's the beautiful cowl collared knit top being created in sewing rooms across the world. Sadly it was completely out of stock.
That's when my eye landed on this one - Vogue 8699. The cowl collar is much smaller, but who cares when there are princess seam, a "very easy" rating and separate pattern pieces for A,B,C and D cups. Perfect!
I knowingly chose to sew the top from a stable knit with very little stretch to it. So little in fact that it barely passed the back of the envelope stretch test.
I'm not even sure how to describe the fabric to you. The back side - or what I choose to be the back side - is like a waffle weave, while the front has almost a brushed finish.

See what I mean? Instead of the soft drape it stands at attention. Of course I won't wear it like this. I just wanted to show you the stiffness of the fabric.

I think it's perfect for what I wanted. Something comfy to wear while sewing in the cold, cold sewing studio or while cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with hubby.
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